This Is Yoga NJ

Yoga Nidra - Yogic Sleep Meditation Zoom
with Julie B. Albert


October 21 (Thursday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Zoom - Virtual

Yoga Nidra is a form of meditation where you are in a state of consciousness between waking & sleeping, Through guided meditation the body is lead into deep relaxation while the mind stays inward yet alert.  Come experience the profound benefits of Yoga Nidra!

Be sure to create a comfy space in your home! Do you best to set this our away from distractions.
Take this hour just for you!

Zoom can be accessed through their free app on your phone/tablet or accessed through your computer's web browser for free, make sure you have an account set up ahead of time. Please try and arrive in the waiting room 10 minutes early. The beauty of Zoom is you can choose once in the meeting to have your video and audio on or off, your choice.

*Make sure the device you are using is charged up or plugged in.
*Be sure to turn up the volume or put in your ear buds.


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