This Is Yoga NJ

Reiki Share
with Donna Pollin

February 28 (Friday)
at 6:30 pm

Class length
90 minutes

This Is Yoga NJ 1409 NW Central Ave. Seaside Park NJ 08752

A Reiki Share allows practitioners, Level 2 and above, to open to their Reiki in a relaxed atmosphere of positive energy and love. Participants will have the opportunity to give & receive Reiki. Sharing Reiki is a transformative experience where one hones their skills in the supportive energy of their peers. 
We will open with a guided grounding mediation. 
Homemade chocolate & water will be provided. 

Disclaimer: By participating in this event, you agree that there is a possibility your Reiki/energy reading may be shared publicly with the group. While we strive to maintain privacy and sensitivity, any information shared during the session may be discussed or referenced in group settings. If you have any concerns about confidentiality, please let us know before the session begins.


Reiki Share (Ticket)

Class Price


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